Switched from UlsterBank to Halifax Visa


Registered User
Have just switched from UlsterBank to Halifax for Current Account and Visa Card.

Got my last Visa statement from UlsterBank looking for the 30 euro government fee.

When I pay this, will they automatically send out a letter confirming that the fee has been paid or do I have to write in to them to request that they send one out ?

Need this letter to give to Halifax so that Brian Lenihan does not sting me twice for the fee in 2009.
I'd request a letter of closure stating it's paid - easier to do now than chasing it later in the year.....
Yes, they told me at the date I cancelled the card that they would send out the letter but similar to your situation the actual tax was only charged to my UB account a while after I had cancelled the card and closed to account. I called them a week ago so hopeful it will arrive soon, but as its an April - April tax we have time to get it sorted.
When you send the letter to Halifax, make sure you keep a copy - I had to request 3 letters from AIB (my previous CC provider), because Halifax claimed they hadn't received one letter, the 2nd letter was the incorrect one - it had been the correcct one, and Halifax apologised 6 months later - when I got my €30 back which they'd double-charged!
On a related point, can anyone explain how the transfer process works?

I was told you couldn't actually close the account until the 30 was paid. Howver, this doesn't kick in until April by which time you're into the next year and, by virtue of still having the card, you're liable for another 30.
The €30 is paid in April or on account closure, so it's added to the final bill from your old CC provider no matter what time of year it is (I did the transfer in October/November of 2007). The knack is getting the exemption letter to your new CC provider before they charge the second €30 for the same year.

Makes sense. Thanks for that.