Sweet home, Alabama


Dan Murray

Actually, what I want to say is that in my mind, I'm going to watch with keen interest today's senatorial race in Alabama - but with all the googling in the world, I couldn't find these words in any lyrics.

Should be fascinating.

[Note: Title change!!]
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I have been only half following this. I know that the Republican candidate Roy Moore, as a judge some years ago erected the Ten Commandments outside his courthouse and refused to remove them when ordered by a higher court, on the grounds that the US constitution enforces separation of religion from the state. That on its own is more than enough reason for me to hope the guy would never be elected dog catcher.

However the major controversy surrounding him seems to be that he has a sexual interest in young girls. Now if true this should clearly be a reason for him not to be elected, nor indeed chosen as a candidate by and respectable political party. However none of the accusations I have seen reported seem very substantial, and they all appear to have involved events that occurred over 30 years ago.

Maybe I have missed something, but why do so many consider him anathema. I don't think its the fact that he is a religious nut, that would do it for me, but it doesn't seem to be the main objection to him.
He appeared on stage in a cowboy hat holding a revolver. It wasn't a comedy sketch or a spoof; he was dead serious.
He's like a caricature of a red-neck, god-bothering Republican.
He appeared on stage in a cowboy hat holding a revolver. It wasn't a comedy sketch or a spoof; he was dead serious.
He's like a caricature of a red-neck, god-bothering Republican.

150 years ago in Carolina they were agitating for secession to defend slavery. They've come on a lot since then.
150 years ago in Carolina they were agitating for secession to defend slavery. They've come on a lot since then.
I think Dan should change the thread title; it's an insult to anyone else to be associated with Roy Moore.
Alabama has a chance to show they aren't a bunch of bigoted racist rednecks (by not electing a bigoted racist redneck). Let's see what happens.
Great to see the right result yesterday.....gives me some hope!
Sure Purple - what would you suggest?!
I've gone over to the Left so now all I have to do is be negative, knock other people's suggestions and insinuate that I'm morally superior to anyone who disagrees with me. Therefore I ask you Dan, what would you suggest?

#10 - Fair enough - you got me!

#11 - That's just wrong (this will make more sense if you have been following the Bitcoin debate?). For starters, if there was no God, what the hell do you think Ala is doing in Bama?