Supermarket Trollies arrragggghh!!!


Registered User
Hi, I was doing my shopping today as usual in tesco's all in my car, went to put trolley back and couldn't get my euro out AGAIN!! This is the 3rd time in the last month this has happened to me. There wasnt even a trolley person around to get it out. I know only a euro but the amount of them that stick in those awful trollies I could have a small fortune saved.
Does this happen to anybody else or do I just get unlucky trollies?
Oh and I bet the guys, that bring the trollies back in to the shopping centre make a mint from all those euro's!!!
Me neither.

Why not make a complaint to the management of the store about this and previous trolly losses?
Whats the difference between Boyzone and a shopping trolley?

A shopping trolley has a mind of its own. ...Ba-dum-tish !!
Get a disc in store, and then you can use it at all the stores, no need to put money in. If it gets stuck in the trolley no one else will benefit from your money.
Betsy Og said:
Whats the difference between Boyzone and a shopping trolley?

A shopping trolley has a mind of its own. ...Ba-dum-tish !!
What's the difference between a non-executive director and a supermarket trolley?

The trolley has a mind of its own and a limited capacity for food and drink.
Swallows said:
Get a disc in store, and then you can use it at all the stores, no need to put money in. If it gets stuck in the trolley no one else will benefit from your money.
But presumably you have to pay for the disc/token so you still lose your money?
ClubMan said:
But presumably you have to pay for the disc/token so you still lose your money?
The money for the Tesco disc goes to Charity, so the OP might prefer to lose their money to charity than to a cash-eating trolley.
2p sterling coin fits the aldi trolleys. if you dont want to walk back /its wet etc just leave it there. the trolleys in the new dunnes stores in the marshes sc in dundalk lock automatically if they are not wheeled through / near a checkout. presumably its to cut down on shoplifting.
ClubMan said:
But presumably you have to pay for the disc/token so you still lose your money?

Superquinn used to give these out for free but I'm not sure if they still do so. The handiest tokens of all are the Breast Cancer Awareness ones because for €4 you get to help a charity and get both a €1 and €2 token. Some of our local supermarkets trolleys take either €1 or €2 so it is very handy to have both on the car key ring.

If you are a member of you can also save up your piggypoints and get a keyring with trolley disc included.
cuchulainn said:
if you dont want to walk back /its wet etc just leave it there.
Leave it where? Off the premises altogether? Wouldn't that be tantamount to dumping? At best irresponsible and bad manners and at worst illegal. I worked for Quinnsworth, Roselawn in the early 80s and every so often we would be sent on a local trolly hunt collecting trollies that ignorant shoppers had taken home and then dumped up to two miles radius from the shopping centre. I'm sure that the cost of our labour was passed onto shoppers.
cuchulainn said:
if you dont want to walk back /its wet etc just leave it there.
I can't stand that, people who leave trolleys in parking spaces and then just pull out and drive away. Leaving you to have to move the trolley to use the space or watch as a trolley rolls in the direction of someone elses bumper or headlights. Now that's cause for arrragggghh!!!
Have never lost money to a trolley but often get a rogue trolley which simply will not head in the direction I want it to but veers off to the right or left casuing untold hassle.

A pet peeve is people abandoning trolies in the car park, especially children/baby ones whiohc end up wet and dirty and unusable.
calm down everybody. Aldi Dundalk is on a main road so the worst thing that can happen is that its left in the car park. Aldi dont have bays all over the place like Sainsburys in Newry, At €2 to release one I am doing a favour to the next person who parks nearby and have free use of a trolley. they can then decide whether to pass on my 'generosity' to someone else or go and retrieve the 2p sterling from the slot. I would hazzard a guess that most people do actually retrieve the 2p and leave it in the car for the next trip. no point in trying to save €2, something will come up to make you part with it, charity boxes,beggars,scratch cards,tips in coffee shops, but you can only spend the 2p down the north. Should get an award for good citizenry
there was fierce unease in Lidl Cork cause people who had sheets of home cutr metal etc were swopping their trolleys with people for 2 euro and people were going mad at being done.....while I understand the principle....being done for 2 euro isn't the worst thing that could happen!