Suggest hotel break as wedding gift - where?

Plek Trum

Registered User
Hi all,
close friend getting married soon and my OH and I were wondering what to get. We dont like the idea of giving cash as we know each other very well and it wouldnt sit well with them anyway.

We were thinking of a weekend break maybe for them, somewhere romantic, maybe with spa or at huge push, golf facilities for the groom.
They have 2 small kids and wont be going on a honeymoon so this would be a nice treat (hopefully just the 2 of them!)

Any recommendations on where may be nice for them?
They live in South of country but would be willing to travel.
2 night break max, hoping we may find some special offers (e.g dinner incl or spa/golf thrown in), not more than 300e max if possible.

Tough challenge.. look forward to your replies!
I hate to be negative but are you sure that they would use it.

Do they ever go away without their kids now ?
Why aren't they going on honeymoon ? Maybe its because they dont have anyone to leave the kids with, or dont want to leave the kids for a whole weekend.

We were once given a very expensive weekend break in a posh hotel in a very generous gift from a friend. The hotel spa facilities were adult-only and the whole place was not marketing its self as being child-friendly. Sadly, it went unused as we had no way of getting our young kids minded for a weekend. We also didn't really want to go away without them. I know the friend was a bit hurt and I felt really bad about it, but it just wasn't going to happen.

I would advise finding a hotel which is child-friendly so that they can take the kids it they want to.

The carlton Hotel in Galway is nice - it has aleisure centre, is family friendly and even has a kids club at times
Thanks guys - yes, they will use it alright, they are good at heading off with the smallies in tow (and without) hasnt stopped them before now. No honeymoon as saving mad for a house that they have seen and hopefully will get, Mum just coming off maternity leave in a month or so.

Will have a look at the Carlton, thanks for that Foxylady.
Anyother ideas for a romantic break welcome.... ta!
Ditto for the one in Kinsale, just had a very enjoyable overnight getaway there. Quiet, good service, lovely views, excellent pool and leisure centre.
You could buy them a gift card and they'd be able to choose from any of the Carlton hotels.

Also, if they're not too precious about it, these can also be booked through, making it even better value. For €178 they could have 2 nights B&B with dinner on one evening. Kids stay free and just pay for meals. If the voucher was for more, Herself could use the balance on spa treatments.
I've given a gift voucher for Ireland's Blue Book as a wedding gift in the past. (It's a collection of hotels and country houses around the country and also includes some nice restaurants. The voucher comes with the Book so they can see where they would like to go and book it themselves.

(Have no association with that website or those hotels, just stayed in a few of them in the past).
If giving a voucher, pay for it by credit card and use a well established busy hotel. With businesses going bust every day, hotels are especially prone and it would be awful to give a gift that can't be used.

We got a voucher for the Radisson in Galway as a wedding present and it was one of my favourite presents. The Malton in Killarney is fab, Dunraven Arms in Adare is great too but the Radisson in Galway wins hands down.
+ 1 for the Blue Book voucher, got some as wedding presents and went to Wineport Lodge for a weekend in Athlone, and also went to Chapter One Restaurant in Dublin.
No honeymoon as saving mad for a house that they have seen and hopefully will get

It's a lovely idea you have but be careful of a weekend break gift as maybe they don't want the expense of driving down the country (the cost of a tank of petrol!) and they would have to pay for meals, lunch, dinner and any drinks in the evening as well as activities over the weekend. To be honest all that adds up and if they are saving like mad then they might not want that expense. A hotel break B&B is one thing, it's all those extras that add cost to the weekend. Personally I would respect their decision not to have a break and get them a gift that they might really want for the house, that won't add expense to them.
Thanks so so much for all your replies- plenty of ideas and suggestions and will explore all. Feeling like I'd like to go away myself now after checking out all the lovely places, double edged ha ha!

Thanks again...