Sub floor like a swimming pool


Registered User
Poured sub floor on Thursday, and it hasn't stop raining since, its now like a swimming pool. Will this cause any harm to floor because when I touched the floor at the edge it was still soft today. There is a small gap from some parts of the blocks to floor is this a significant problem or is it the norm. Unfortunately I am still waiting to get my Homebond book so I can't consult it on this matter. Any info appreciated.
Actually a bit of rain is better than a blistering hot week of sunshine- where the curing of concrete is concerned. If concrete dries out too quickly in hot or windy weather this can result in cracking and crazing-not good where loadbearing elements are concerned. Once the concrete has gone of you can brush the excess water off if you wish but this is probably unnecessary. As for the levels being a little off- again not a problem, presuming you are putting insulation and a screed on top of the sub floor.
Hi builder, just wondering have you checked out the Gardening/Diy forum on, as there quite a number of professional builders there and quite a few self builders. If you have the time you could check out this blog (if you haven't already) [broken link removed] it is quite good to show details. Best of luck,
I'll be in your shoes in a few weeks,