Student; Car loan/HP, which type?



Hey, i will apologise in advance if this is a stupid question. I am 19, i will be in full time employment for 8 months,i have 5 months left. I earn 1760 per month. I want a car and i reckon i need about 5500 at the most. However would i be better applying for a loan, or going HP, or would it be possible to lease?? The thing is, i only plan to keep the car for a year, i wont need it after that and i dont want the hassle of selling it,.

  • I know with HP, thats its expensive, i own the car from the get go, but can i pay off the HP in bulk if i sell before the agreement finishes?
  • Is leasing possible for such a small ammount?
  • Is a loan the best option?
I appreciate any info on this. Thanks.