Anyone any opinion as to which is the more economical way to heat a house?
1. Oil/Gas boiler only
2. Oil/Gas boiler and stove with back boiler (fuel has to bought from a 3rd party)
My guess is no. 1, but I could be wrong.My point is that if you have to buy the fuel for the stove,then it's not the cheaper option.If you have your own supply of fuel then it is.Anyone?
Good one.I wish I had my own supply of oil and gas.Guess I wouldn't care less about the cost of any fuel if I had that luxury,haha.The point I'M trying to make is that I don't believe that the combination of oil/gas boiler and stove with back boiler is a most econimical one to having a oil/gas alone.And that is based on having to buy the oil/gas and stove fuels (wood,turf and coal).It's will of course be more economical if you have your own fuel for the stove.
I'm off now to see if I can find some oil or gas in the back garden,I'll have to move the tons of turf,logs and coal out of the way first!