
'nah .... not my kinda think ya know........ you must have me confused with someone else.... so what's it to be....... we gonna get jiggy-jiggy or what Alice?'
"Jiggy-jiggy? What on earth is that? Are you now black or what?" Alice said indignantly. "Look, are you going to help me out here and get up to that bedroom suite or not?"
"Well while I see what's in this for you, what about me?" Ninsaga queried.
"Hey, is this some kind of elaborate scam or what? Are you tryiing to rip me off?" Alice was tired and irritated and the Babycham wasn't working it's usual magic.
"Sssshhh, for God's sake don't say those words!' Ninsaga looked around wildly at the other side of the bar. Following his gaze Alice saw a man in the corner, balancing a Gray Goose on his ironing board. Just next to him another man was cursing fluently in French, a curl of smoke coming from the cigarette tilting precariously on his lips whilst writing grammatical problems on the blackboard.
"Did you hear that, Doc?" The man at the ironing board asked his companion and turned to peer suspiciously at Alice. Luckily his attention was deflected as a woman with shoulder pads up to her eyebrows joined them and swiped his drink.
"Aw Sue Ellen, I've told you before about nicking my drink...'
Alice looked at her babycham bottle in confusion, maybe this stuff was more potent than she thought. Was it just her or was this cocktail bar becoming more Alice in Wonderland by the second?
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Having trouble focusing Alice blinked and reblinked. She steadied herself and headed to the door marked Mna, feeling the wall for good measure. Just outside the lobby door was a newly instaled PC. A sign above said Google while you wait. She thought "What are they talking about"? This 'jiggy' thing. Trying to remember as the room swayed, she tapped in ...... The screen burst into life
...but nature called more ungently. Alice sat and contemplated her situation, as one does on such occasions. She thought of her day so far and suddenly felt very tired. And so she should have, considering all she had been through. She realised that the most important things in life are family. Yes, she would return to her parents, Mr. Patton and Mr. Alderton; her father and her ... err ... father. She wondered was she Alice Alderton or Alice Patton. Either would be better than A lice Infeckshun.

And why was Longshanks chasing her? What was Red Cobra? No matter, it would be easy to give him the slip, considerign the ineptitude of his police skills so far.

She vowed to find out where Hatton and Alderton had gone and follow them to make a real family for herself. After all, she had the money now. Now where did she put that ticket? Suddenly, with horror, she remembered.....