stop blaming mortgage holders

I am now in my second year of unemployment and it is very distressing on all the family. Belts have been tightened and just glad to see the back of Christmas, The new proposed bill announced is complicated at best, and I'm hoping that we don't have to resort to it and that I will find work. But the reality is that arrears are now at an impossible level and increasing every day. I hear comments coming in from listners on radio stations giving out that they are bailing out their neighbours but believe me and I hope I speak for the majority in saying we would rather find a job and pay our own way as we have been doing. If I had a neighbour in a desparate state I would just be thinking how lucky I was because this will stay with people for a very long time and it is bad enough that people are living from one day to the next not knowing or being able to plan for anything, no hope and despair, this is not an easy way out.

Recently a person in my area committed suicide to escape their debts, now the outstanding amount was a modest fee (if everyone at the funeral donated €100, it would have almost clear the debt). Afterwards people were commenting if they only knew how much they were struggling they could have helped the person out, but saying that if the person had approached these people to arrange financial help they would probably not have given assistance.
From what I know the system failed in this instance, with little or no support to the poor individual and relentless calls and visits from a debt collection agency it eventually got too much for them.

It sounds horrible but I really think suicide over the next few years will reach epidemic proportions as mounting debts take their toll mentally on these people.
I urge you all please to think twice before judging people for being greedy, ok some lived beyond their means but the mental pressure and stress these folk are under right now is huge!
Everybody knows someone who is struggling in some way or another, maybe ask them if you can help out, a spare €50 would go a long way.. Descretely, you never know how much it could pull them back from the brink of depression.
The majority of those caught up in it lived through the 80's alright. They were not even in their teens at that stage. Of course they should have known.

Also a crash like this has never ever happened before anywhere in the Western World since records have been taken. Fact.
Shocking. So many casualties of this. If there is a heaven I hope that this person is confronting a certain Brian Lenihan (if he got in) as we speak.
Shocking. So many casualties of this. If there is a heaven I hope that this person is confronting a certain Brian Lenihan (if he got in) as we speak.

Would you like to explain why you singularly blame Brian Lenihan for the recession, property crash and the current pain of the many casualties?
Would you like to explain why you singularly blame Brian Lenihan for the recession, property crash and the current pain of the many casualties?

I never said I "singularly blame Brian Lenihan for the recession, property crash and the current pain of the many casualties". What I do blame him for though is being the Minister for Finance who is responsible for the most damaging decision taken in Ireland in current history when he guaranteed private banking debt with the people of Irelands money. He then compounded that decision with a multitude of other extremely bad decisions afterwards whilst continually lying straight faced to the Irish people.
Just calling a spade a spade.
Jackbetal, Even the little bit of debt that was not guaranteed has had to be paid back. The bank guarantee made no difference to what Europe expected of us, it was quite simply 'Pay back all soverign and bank debt'. The bank guarantee was bad if you believe that exiting the EU was the best thing for Ireland, in that case there was no need to nationalize the bank debt.

Personally I think that he did the best that he could based on the advice received and we know he went to various sources for advice. I don't think he did it for personal gain, actually he was probably one of the politicians that has acted in the least self interest.
We will just have to strongly agree to disagree on his decision. Lenihan took private bank debt and put it on the backs of the Irish people. What Europe expected or didn't at that stage is besides the point. He should have been more concerned about the Irish people. Also there is the fact that he was part of the party that got us to that night in the first place. And of course you failed to mention the fact that he continued to lie straight faced to the Irish people afterwards right up to his untimely death.
Don't be under any illusion. lenihan and his ilk are only always protecting their own. His family will remain a wealthy family whilst the poor people of Ireland suffer.
Like his father left slip before him when he said "We can't all live on a small island."I am sure Lenihan junior would have been of the same mindset.
I'm always amazed at how people seem to thing that banks can go bust, financial systems can crumble and yet it will have little impact on them...

Imagine you wake up tomorrow morning to fine that every cent you have in the bank is gone, there will be no salary next payday, your house and other assets are worthless because not one has money to buy them off you, prices in the shops are going up by the minute and all you have is say 50 Euros in your pocket....

I was at Zurich airport at the hour when they literally ran out of cash and while it was the most amazing sight I have ever seen, it was also frightening to see what can happen! First staff realized that they would not be paid and started to walk of the job, then of course they realized that they would never be paid, so they better take something with them.... Then tourists decide that they better find their own baggage, oh and since they had just lost their flights, they might as well take something with them as well.... the idea of something like that playing out at every single firm in the country at the same time.....

Also, of course there was no bail out, as people seem believe. The real bankers - ones that actually owned the banks lost everything and the sate ended up owning the lot....

I don't think it makes the slightest difference who was in power, once the bubble started there was only ever going to be one outcome and the only unknown was the timing....
I'm always amazed at how people still paint the doomsday scenario that was never going to happen to support the most corrupt and incompetent decision ever made by Irish politicians. If Anglo Irish or Irish Nationwide were left to go down the path that they had chosen themselves then there would have still been money in the Irish bank machines. To say otherwise is either very foolish or very naive. Brian Lenihan along with Cowen and a few others should be held accountable for what they did.