Sterling Bank Account, but based in Ireland


Registered User
I rang Ulster Bank today to see if I could set up a sterling bank account in my branch.

They said that because I was only a personal customer, they didn't normally do that - reserving the privelage for business customers. That's fine with me.

They did say however, that I only had to go to Newry to an Ulster Bank there and open an account, using all the same identification documentation, and it would be no problem.

Has anyone here done that? Is it all as simple as they're making it out to be?
It's been discussed here before, alright, maybe do a search for Newry?

Would an Anglo Irish Bank call deposit be any good to you? You don't have to go to Newry to open such an account.
It's been discussed here before, alright, maybe do a search for Newry?

Yes, apologies, I did the search after the post.

Moderators - if you want to delete this, go ahead. I've got my answer through the search.