Stamp duty loop holes


Registered User
I know this is a long shot but I reckon its worth a try

My husband and I bought a house in 1998 and sold it in early 2000, since then we have lived in private rented accommodation. We are now hoping to buy a new house (second-hand) house and would really love not to pay the stamp duty (as everyone would).

We have found a lovely house and would really like to purchase it but we are a few bob short in savings, is there ANY loop holes regarding stamp duty particularly if the owners to be have been renting for the last 6 years???
If you sre looking for a loop hole there IS one!!

If you and your husband divorce you then both get your FTB status back I think. *

Save ~20k or whatever on stamp and have another honeymoon!

*Consult and satisfy yourself of the accuracy of this prior to divorcing!