Stamp Duty caclulation


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Hi ,

If person name (A) on the title deed is different than the person name on the mortgage (B) , Is SD calculated based on the status of A or B , presuming A is a FTB and B is non-FTB ?

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AFAIK stamp duty is calculated based on the status of the person on the Deeds. However, there may be a problem if this person is a FTB and the other person on the mortgage is not, except in cases where a parent has taken out a joint mortgage with a child to help him/her out. Lots of information here so do a search. Also check it out at
"If person name (A) on the title deed is different than the person name on the mortgage (B) .........."

B cannot mortgage something they do not own - they can only be joint or guarantor with A. A has to appear on the mortgage is A is on the deeds.

If you were able to give more detail or explain why B is not on title it might be easier to establish what is going on........

Thanks for your feedback . The reason I am thinking to do this , is that I want to give my sister the first push to get on the property ladder . I am non national with almost 6 years working as a professional here in ireland . My sister is studying in Ireland now and hopefully in 6 months time she will get into employment as a doctor , then she can look after the mortgage on her own .
Of course SD is looked at , but after making the calculations , the difference of SD between FTB and STB (me) is almost 5k only , so that's not the main reason of my question , as I said i want to help my sister with a soft start , who knows may be by next summer the market will picks up and she won't be able to get a mortgage