Stage payments



Hi, we have a booking deposit down on a house in a new development. On the brochure we received from the auctioneer it detailed an exact amount (74K)that had to be paid at roof level. We are due to sign contracts today and our solicitor called my partner this morning to check if we were are that the stage payment outlined in the contracts is actually 30K more than advertised. At this late stage we seem to have no choice but to agree as we have our hearts now set on this house and couldn't face going back to square one and looking all over again. However it is going to be a struggle paying rent and almost 60% of our mortgage for about 8 months before our house is ready. Im really really angry that the builders can get away with this sort of false advertising as such. Is there any law against this or any organisation I can complain to? Im sure they have themselves covered in small print somewhere but they shouldn't be allowed get away with this sort of thing. If we had full details we would probably have thought twice.
your solicitor should be highlighting the difference to the biulders solicitor , not to you. he is paid to act for you and sort out these issues , not to just point them out. i would refuse to sign anything until the contract is amended to reflect what was agreed and advertised. i would also get on to the estate agents and tell them you are not happy.