Specific locations of Covid-19 outbreaks.

Well we have it by county and I believe each county then has broken down into lea's by the Council.
I'm in Kildare and have seen such breakdowns all year.
I’m sure there’s an unofficial FaceBook page that’ll have all the details.
There’s one specific to outbreaks in schools. I’d be surprised if there aren’t more.
What's an " unofficial Facebook page? Do you mean a fake news page? I'm at a loss to understand your post or its relevance.
Don't know how that would be done, and given privacy laws don't think it would be legal.
I personally would think that it would be very wrong for this to even be considered.
I would certainly like more detailed information on where outbreaks are.

Another thing. In the early days of Covid we were given the median age of those who died. Is this information still available or was it considered to be too upsetting for people?

Also, we were told not to handle our Facemasks. Now it seems that they are left hanging below the chin and moved up and down as needs be. Lots of handling.
When the meat plants were identified to be a source of substantial cases the amount of anger and victimisation of the workers ( mostly low paid immigrants)was not a pleasant thing to witness.
Where I am in Kildare it caused an awful lot of people to say things that really have no place in any just society.
The virus is many things and its important that we collectively tackle it and not single out any section of society as use them as scapegoats which is what would happen.

As for the median age I'm sure its somewhere in the data .

People are people, mask wearing isn't a normal thing for us in this part of the world but the bigger issue is that people are wearing them and if the 2 meter distancing is observed and people sanitize there hands its my opinion that its not an issue.

You have to remember last March the amount of knowledge around the virus was minimal and any guidance was haphazard.

Now we have a new strain and we are essentially back trying to understand it from a huge amount of perspectives, including its impact on existing vaccines, somewhere the facts reside but the most important thing in my view is that all resources available need to be used in combating the virus together and not singling out sections of society.

We need to be in this together if we are to stand any chance of defeating or at least containing the virus, this virus is here to stay and its still going to infect and kill people.
I find the median age meaningless.
The mean age would be far more informative and more could be inferred from it.

I would argue the opposite. In a non-normal distribution or a dataset with outliers, the mean will be skewed by the outliers. The median is the more useful
'200 persons present, no social distancing': Gardaí continue to detect Covid-19 breaches at licensed premises (thejournal.ie)

Are all of the people associated with the above article NOT getting Covid? It makes the rest of us feel like fools for not joining them.

That is why I would like to have specific information on where the cases are coming from. Am I a fool about being nervous going in to a supermarket?

Here is a brief thread on Tripadvisor about people travelling from the UK etc. to Ireland.
As I got older in life I made a decision to ignore what the rest are doing and concentrate on my life and do whatever is necessary to protect myself and my family.

I went for a pint on Sunday and where I was was a beer garden type set up plenty of space , sat there reading the newspaper and one person decided to walk 10 paces to put out his cigarette in an ashtray 2 ft from me, eventough there was one next to him.

He then tries to start a conversation I said " 2 meters please", and the usual claptrap happens and this is a lad in his twentys, they simply don't care, let them off "you can't put in what God left out " .
Once we follow the guidelines we should be fine, knowing where there are outbreaks isn't going to protect you anymore than not knowing.
That is why I would like to have specific information on where the cases are coming from.

One challenge there is you are depending on people who are knowingly breaking the rules admitting to such in contact tracing. When we have so many close contacts refusing to show up for testing, it's likely that those who want to continue to socialise with friends in the local boozer will not name that when asked to detail their movements. Without massive resources invested in verifying the source of outbreaks, you risk destroying compliant businesses. Also, if you start publishing a list of premises associated with an outbreak, people will start to let their guard down in other settings.
One challenge there is you are depending on people who are knowingly breaking the rules admitting to such in contact tracing.
Yes, that is the problem. The guy or woman having the affair or buying some weed or going to the holiday home or even the person "embarrassed" to say that they had friends or family over or a visiting hairdresser......but other countries are doing it.......naming businesses or buildings associated with outbreaks. I think it could be done in some shape or form.
During the week I was visiting my local Credit Union in Blackrock. First time since last March. Three allowed in the office at a time.
I was standing outside waiting for those inside to come out. A lady walks out wearing a visor and no mask. The sides of the visor had large gaps. In the area in front of her mouth you could see a big wet patch on the plastic with her breath/saliva running down the inside, waiting to drip off. It looked disgusting.

I had to take a decision to go in to the Credit Union and stand at the counter where this person had just been standing. It was a split second decision that I had to make. I took the decision to go ahead in to the office, rightly or wrongly.

The problem is that we are all being confronted with these decisions throughout the day during Covid. We all want to protect ourselves and our family but we are not all going to be perfect in our decision making.
The staff should have wiped down that area it would take a few seconds.
I thought visors were deemed useless and were not recommended to be used.

Like everything there are good practices happening and poor ones , I was in Tesco yesterday and each check out was wiped after each customer passed through.
I’m interested in knowing why you want this information. Do you think we should name and shame or do you think the information will help you ?

Naming and shaming may be unfair on establishments which had an outbreak due to someone visiting who had covid and may not be a reflection on the establishment,
A list of where there were outbreaks is not going to really help us. We already have summary stats on the sources of outbreaks. If you know that there are a certain number of outbreaks in restaurants, you can decide not to go to restaurants. Avoiding the Ones which have already had an outbreak isn’t going to help you avoid an outbreak in a different restaurant

As was said above , we all need to do our best and make decisions on what behaviour
We are comfortable with
I thought visors were deemed useless and were not recommended to be used.
Exactly. Yet, why is this message not getting through to the people wearing them? Are their close friends or colleagues afraid to mention it to them? Should members of the public point it out to them?
Exactly. Yet, why is this message not getting through to the people wearing them? Are their close friends or colleagues afraid to mention it to them? Should members of the public point it out to them?
I would but then again when you do you get the stares, and the excuse that you should us sanitizer both on entering and exiting the premises, which would do but going the extra mile by wiping down the area really shows responsibility and respect in my opinion.

The real purpose of face masks is as a barrier to contain your own droplets, most of the things listed above do not render it useless for that purpose.
There was a study in Denmark that tracked use of masks versus non-masks there was a slight protective element to wearing a mask (something on the order of 20% less cases).
The study did not have scope to look into use as barriers.

Proper use of face masks enhances its PPE to you, but does not diminish its use as a barrier - assuming you have it covering your nose and mouth.

Fomite \ contact transmission is now considered to account for only a small % of transmissions as this virus attacks via the nose and respiratory system.

I think people just aren't as concerned as they were in the spring nothing to do with masks.