Wrong forum Solid Fuel Stove or Oil Stove?

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Hello, may I ask advice on whether to chose an oil stove or a solid fuel stove. I am getting different advice whoever I talk to; some say definitely go with oil as it is maintenance free, good constant level of heat and more economical than solid fuel (which is costly to buy) plus no fuel storage problems as I have an oil tank anyways. Others say don't chose oil if I am only going to be using it periodically as oil stoves are meant to be on for long periods. I would only be using this stove as a secondary heat source and for room heating only. Regarding solid fuel; people tell me that this is the way to go if I want the real fire effect; if I don't want my house to be totally reliant on oil especially if carbon tax is coming in; solid fuel is better choice to go with if I am only going to be using it now and again. However, they tell me also that there is work involved in storing wood; making the fire; cleaning out the ashes and that it is not an economical option if I don't have my own wood source which I don't plus not constant level of heat i.e. heat peaks and drops as the wood burns down. Anyone out there with experience of either stove; I'd really appreciate your advice. Thanks.
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