Solicitors and final closing



This is a great site for advise and I have found it very helpful, so could someone give me some idea why I am the idiot.

I am nearing clsoing on the sale of house, which has been 12 months over due at this stage. My solicitor informed me two weeks ago that he received the cheque from my bank and has now handed it over to the developer. I thought this was only done when all parties had signed? Could some one clarify??

The developers solicitors had still not issued final closing papers he said. Meanwhile, I am waiting on 5% of sale price and PC sums back from my solicitor, all in all about 14,000. I asked him then to forward on at that time PC sums. Of couse, he says cheque in the post. Never turns up, blames his sectrary who's now on hols yada yada ya. So I am paying first payment on morgage on Monday 7th April. I have not fully closed on house and I am ready to kill.

I am now paying on a morgage, plus paying rent on another place, plus my house is very badly finished, and snag list has not been completed.

Thanks for any advise.

Any advise?
"My solicitor informed me two weeks ago that he received the cheque from my bank and has now handed it over to the developer."

Money for deeds, keys and vacant possession. So should not have done that.

"plus my house is very badly finished, and snag list has not been completed. "

Sale should not have closed until snag list reasonably completed.

It does not sound good - very chaotic. Is there any reason why its happened like this? Is there any connection between the solicitor and the builder ( not that that should make any difference).

And once sale has closed, which it has'nt, you should get your 5% back ( 100% mortgage?)

You do need answers. Write a formal letter lto the solicitor ooking for answers and money.
