Social Welfare payment going to employer?


Registered User
Anyone know anything about this?

I am at present on half-pay from employer (Gov. job) and will be on pension rate of pay in a few weeks. As I am only in the job 9 years my pension rate of pay will be very little.

My employer gets my social welfare entitlement and I have been told by various sources that (a). I should have gotten my welfare payment directly after being put on half-pay and (b). I should get my welfare payment directly after I go on pension rate of pay.

Can anyone shed any light on this. After being on half-pay since early in the year I could do with getting back my social welfare payment that went to my employer!!!!!!

I was injured on duty.....

Re: Social Welfare payment going to employer???

Are you currently on sick leave?

Quite often if your employer pays you during sick leave, they reserve the right to collect your SW payment. It should be covered in your terms of employment.
Re: Social Welfare payment going to employer???

Is this Disability Benefit?

It becomes taxable after 36 days, so your employer probably wants to run it through the payroll.
Re: Social Welfare payment going to employer???

Yes, I am on sick leave. Went on half pay after 6 months from employer. Was being paid all the time from employer, full pay for 6 months / half pay for 6 months/ pension rate of pay in a few weeks. Was told that once I went on half pay my (illness benefit as it is now called) would come to me. Now I believe it will come to me while on pension rate of pay. Will probably have to visit a social welfare officer to find this out.... Any other info. would be appreciated. I would love to be getting back all my benefit for the last 6 months though as I can't survive on what I am getting.

Re: Social Welfare payment going to employer???

[broken link removed]

Have a look through this site - it may contain the info you require if you are a Civil Servant (as opposed to a public servant)
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Re: Social Welfare payment going to employer???

Hi Lyonsie,

When you say you are a government employee are you a permanent full time established civil servant?

Are you a member of a trade union?

When you were injured on duty was this reported and managed using a Health and Safety Procedure?
