Snagging and closure date ?


Registered User
Are we entitled by law to a Snagging Date before Closure date?

I was given 10 days notice just before Christmas to close without any prior snagging notification ? None apparently given to my solicitor by theirs. How is the consumer to know when snagging should be done. I've been railroaded. As my lender was on holiday and they don't have a backup system, I now have to pay interest charges.

Can I report my grievance to anyone in the finance world or the law world ? It's just another callous example of how Solicitors and developers bully clients. I'm disgusted with the whole process. Everything went wrong that could go wrong here although I did everything in my power to get the effing thing closed on time. Why the hell should the consumer be penalised if there are other people who you are dependent on not doing their job. I did all the chasing but the service is gone to hell in this country and as for generosity of spirit to your fellow human being in exceptional circumstances, that's gone out the window. Everything here was done to suit themselves without compromise. No wonder there is so much carnage and mayhem recently. These guys must be all on drugs ! Take, Take, Take ......

Who can I report my grievance to as I am rightly pished. I could go on here with other details but I'll hold back.

There must be something some politician can do to simplify this process. This post will be deleted if not edited immediately, it's not rocket science ! but some of the mistakes I've seen in my recent experience are not "Schoolboy errors", my 3 year old would n't make.

I could go on and on but I gotta get home ....
schillachie (pished)
Hi There,

what's the minimum notice for closure ?

Can it be written into the contract at deposit paying time that a minimum notice period be given for "Snagging" or "Closure". IE please notify buyer that house is ready for snagging as soon as and closure date follows in a minimum of 28 days.

Thanks, Schillachie