smokey smell from shed!


Registered User
Hi again, just been sitting in the garden trying to enjoy the warm rays of the sun. Awful smell, like the fuel smell at the airport, but this time in my garden. Couldn't figure out what it was first. Checked my tank, etc. Then remembered neighbour at back of garden had built a shed and his heating boiler is in this shed, which backs onto us. Peered over wall, as you do, and noticed his outlet chimney is at eye level to our garden, no high chimney like our house has at above roof level if you follow. So all the fumes are coming at us and the rest of the surrounding gardens. Must be wrong? Any idea where to check up on regulations about boiler outlets, etc. Thanks, cough cough...... (Part J - Heat Producing Appliances) of the (DoE Building Standards) might be of help to you.

Probably very stupid question but how could you smell the fuel on such a lovely summer's evening? Surely they did not have their heat on considering how warm/heavy it was on Friday evening or is there something else amiss?
I know - couldn't understand the heat on either! Everyone else with their windows wide open and these with the heat on! I know some use to heat the hot water rather than emersion! Just read in that article that flues should be located above the roof line! Eye level not even suggested! Thanks for that folks