Small Claims Court beyond 6 years


Registered User
Quick question: a large kitchen appliance has developed an issue and the manufacturer (a well known and 'reputable' Irish brand) maintains that they no longer have the relevant spare part and there is nothing further they can do. The appliance was purchased in September 2010 and is therefore outside the statutory six years.

Would we have a leg to stand on if we tried to claim under the Small Claims Court?
I suppose that large, expensive item should reasonably be expected to last for more than seven years. That the company have a declaration on their website that they keep spare parts on their products for 10 years but do not have the requisite spare part and as a result we have to buy a new appliance. Accordingly a contribution in respect of their failings would be appropriate.
No, they say the product is discontinued. It is glass and the company's suggestion was simply to go to a glazier!!! Far too difficult a prospect unfortunately.

My fundamental question remains though: from anyone's knowledge or experience, would we be wasting our time pursuing this in the SCC given the time that has elapsed?
My fundamental question remains though: from anyone's knowledge or experience, would we be wasting our time pursuing this in the SCC given the time that has elapsed?

Although I have no specific expertise in consumer law, I'd say you have no chance whatsoever. Quite simply, it's hardly possible to prove that a retailer has been negligent for selling you a product that developed a defect after 7 years.

Is it oven glass you need? Glaziers supply glass for ovens and stoves as a matter of course.