Small Claim Court

Joe Rock

Registered User
My father hired a Plummer three months ago to fix the pipes in the bathroom. He paid him €500 up front. He never finished the job up to this day. I think it would have been too much even if he had finished the job. Can he go to the "Small Claims Court"?? If so how does he apply for a hearing and how much will it cost and Will he have to stand up in front of the Judge to plead his case?????
I took a Small Claims Court case against a tradesman who did a runner with a deposit of a few hundred quid. As the gentleman in question didn't respond to any of the court papers, the case went automatically in my favour without any hearing. However, enforcing the court judgement is another matter entirely. One of our regular posters Vanilla has posted elsewhere on the huge painful rigmarole you have to go through in order to enforce the judgement. I just gave up, I'm afraid.
The fee for the Small Claims Court is around €9 AFAIR (from my 'action' against ID Design). You won't have to say anything in front of a judge unless the defendent disputes the action (as far as I know).

As Rainyday says, it may prove pointless. Do you actually know where the guy lives?
If the plumber is a 'mark', its worthwhile. If not, well make your own decision. Debt collection is a slow painful process most of the time- but sometimes an initial letter from a solicitor will do the trick. If your father is unhappy going to court or is likely to worry about it, its not worth the stress, but he could employ a solicitor to do it, or just to send an initial letter as stated which wouldnt cost very much.
I went down the SCC route a few years back with Toolin Travel who refused to respond to my written complaints. Went to court, didn't have to say a word and Toolins wrote the cheque there and then for €750 and apologised for the trouble theyhad caused me. I would strongly recommend the process and the people in the SCC office were really helpful.
