sizable pension that can withdrawn due to invalidity


Registered User
I am am a 47 year old man and have recently been told I can draw down my old age private pension due to invalidity pension.
I am in the middle of the repossession of a house which is negativity equity.
My problem is if i draw it down can the banks touch my pension.
I could really do with the the money now as i am about to become penniless and wont be able to afford my rent. Also will I lose a sizable about for drawing it down due to ill health
Thank you

{Middle of repossession}
If that means you can walk away from negative equity ,that seems ok.
If not please get advice.
{can Bank touch your pension}
It sounds like you will in any event have little nuff to live on so I do not see Bank chasing any pension or pension income.
{ lose a sizable amount for drawing down}
You will not lose one penny , but since you are taking a pension at the young age of 47 , your monthly pension will be a lot less than if you take a pension @ 67, due simply to old -age.

You need advice on pension , can you talk to provider etc.
You need advice on reposssion, can you talk to some one who can help?
I signed a waiver allowing me to withdraw the whole lot in one go. The rest of the last got 3,000 only allow them to withdraw weekly, was that a wise thing to do???
Thank you.
I recently got legally sepparated, will my ex wilfe get my pension if i die and not make a will.???
Not sure how much your signed {waiver} means you will get? Could have tax implications.
I presume the total sum is quite small ,so was not worth keeping as a pension payment.

If legally separated , does that not mean shes still wife and therefore gets part of funds should you die?

There are some good pension posters on AAM , so if you give more info they will comment.
And when one does this can one ever work again shoul he recover////

No problem,

At the stage of drawing pension you were pensioned off due to invalidity.
If you get well, of course you can work again.

Just because you (draw) a pension does not mean you cannot take a new job.
eg , Guards some take on new jobs on retirement.
If you draw down early .
1. Your pension has to last a longer time so will be less.
2. Your pension will be taxed as income (if within tax net)
3. Hard to think long term , but you want to try to keep pension as a be (good) to yourself when older.
Thank You Gerry, I was in Hospital for a little while, just reading back on my posts and I think I'll hold out for another while as I was angry and frustrated at the time....