site stamp duty



Hi there,
I saw the following on the revenue web site

"The transfer of a site from a parent to a child is exempt from stamp duty where the site transfer is for the purposes of constructing a house which will be the childs main residence and where the value of the site does not exceed 254,000"

I currently have a house which I'm thinking about selling and renting a house in a different location while I build a house on a site given to be from my parents. Site value is less than 254K and I intend staying in this house long term. I'm getting mixed answers as to where I stand re stamp duty. Consider the following examples:

1 - If I sell my current house does the the zero stamp duty apply?
2 - If I let my current house does the the zero stamp duty apply?
3 - Does the site have to be for you first house for the zero stamp duty?
Help welcome,