Sinn Fein : wealth risk

Austria has been rich, most of the time, for the last 300 years. We've been rich for the last 30. The social, capital and State infrastructure needs a few more decades to catch up with our new found income.

If we are the 4th richest country try telling that to the people after working and paying 20% payroll into the system for 50 years they have to work another few years to get the state pension,
The rates of social insurance here are amongst the lowest in the developed world. The pension rates are amongst the highest. Very few people will pay into the system for 50 years (I will but that's not usual) and they have to work another few years to ease the burden they have placed on their children and grandchildren. I'd tell those people not to be so greedy and selfish.
It doesn't seem to have gotten much play but the SF manifesto proposes a €42 a week increase for Jobseekers Allowance and One Parent Family payments, a 20% increase in an era of virtually full employment!
It doesn't seem to have gotten much play but the SF manifesto proposes a €42 a week increase for Jobseekers Allowance and One Parent Family payments, a 20% increase in an era of virtually full employment!
And there I was thinking they were going to help working people!
Fianna Fail
It doesn't seem to have gotten much play but the SF manifesto proposes a €42 a week increase for Jobseekers Allowance and One Parent Family payments, a 20% increase in an era of virtually full employment!

Sure if you're going to deal in fantasy economics and dole out bribes you may as well aim big.
Childless couples that want to hand on their after taxed wealth can be told thanks as a third of this wealth will feed into the bottomless pit of public funds.
Childless Couples in other EU countries pay more tax ,
You can only blame FF/FG/Lab for that , And they will be coming after more every year,have you forgotten they robbed private pension pot's to pay for FF/FG/LAB reckless auction politics in past general elections,
Totally wrong Everyone pay's around the same amount into there social security system and no vested Interest Groups are allowed to rob it ,
fairness and no loopholes is what the people value most from there elected members ,
Thrifty hardworking people they don't tip there hats to the likes of FF/FG/LAB over there , FF/FG/LAB would be found out long ago,
I don't understand your post.
I don't understand your post.
Sorry purple, I understand yours ,
Vote for the people who wrecked this country and handed you the bill and blame the people who went out to work for fifty years and seen 20% of payroll taken in PRSI, I am a Capitalist and God Willing I am well on my way to getting a good return on the money invested through payroll PRSI,

Austrians would not put up with what is going on in Ireland, ,FF/FG would not last two weeks over there the people who get up in the morning and go to work are the most respected no pulling the wool over there eyes ,none of this rubbish of being rich for the last 30 years and we bailed out in the past 10 years, and the bill handed to high earners,

The purple and josh the Irish taxpayer are only codding themselves, seeing over 50% of wages gone in tax,and getting sweet all in return,thinking they live in a rich Country, payroll tax/prsi is going in one direction up for high earners,

From reading and replying to your posts the drift I am getting is Vote for the parties who did lots of damage and more to do
The top 20% of earners may as well stay voting for FF/FG/LAB ,for a reason,
They are well matched,
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Judging by Purple posts, Purple is not bothered by things like that

You may have missed the point, but better structure and learning the difference between their and there would help make your posts more comprehensible.
You may have missed the point, but better structure and learning the difference between their and there would help make your posts more comprehensible.
Did you ever hear the saying, Mockery gets you Nowhere,
Possibly, I know lots who would be more comprehensible but I would not like to have (there) shortcomings ,
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Did you ever hear the saying, Mockery gets you Nowhere,

Well you obviously missed the point there. Unlike your earlier mockery of another user for what you mistakenly understood as a spelling mistake, my intention isn't mockery, it's to encourage you to take the time to form your points. The better formed, the clearer your argument will be.

I don't understand it either. Are you not completely contradicting yourself??
I don't understand it either. Are you not completely contradicting yourself??
I know very well after the General Election the main party in Government has to be ether FF or FG I also know( there )is a meltdown going on in (there) support base from around 80% 25 years ago to less than 50% now, the results of this is we have auction politics trying to win an extra few % to become the main governing party,(there) supporters the 50% are the only people who will Pay extra tax and not kick up fuss,,

FF?FG Supporters will blame Unions and others But deep down they know they are the ones going to pay extra taxes to buy the votes FF/FG need and not kick up a fuss,
I am having a little bit of Banter with the likes of Purple telling him a few home truths , as far as I am concerned he is a good natured stranger who can give and take a little bit of banter and a few home truths thrown in for good measure ,

The problem FF/FG supporters face whichever party finishes up in power will have to honour there Naked promises and transfer more wealth from the 50% who support them to the 50% who don't to survive,
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I vote for the Party which I think will do the least damage to the economy. The excludes the Shinners and the rest of the extreme left. After that there's not a lot of choice. It's all about damage limitation.

But yes, it is only the internet so nothing said here should be taken to heart.

The party which would do the least damage to the economy?

It's hard to believe that FF can still accuse SF of being a danger to the economy, after they, basically, bankrupted the country. But, that's the power of propaganda.
It wasn't really Bertie's fault or FF's fault that the whole cat and caboodle came crashing down in 2008, it was the nature of the beast.
This is end stage capitalism, the only thing that kept the entire western economy from completely tanking was massive state intervention, or communism as it is known. The only difference being that the massive state intervention, which is still continuing, was, primarily, aimed at the richest and wealthiest. Without massive state intervention, allowing the capitalist jungle to sort out the financial crisis of 2008 would have seen billionaires wiped out, millionaires decimated. The rest of us would have suffered, for sure, but we suffered anyway, and we would have got by, recovered.

The next massive global financial crisis is just around the corner, maybe next year, maybe in 10 years time. Rest assured it's coming and the terrifying thing is that there is very little that can be done to stop it. The only certainty is that the governmental intervention will be even greater, whole industries will be nationalised, the banking system included and the priority will be to ensure that the wealth of the wealthiest is protected, at all costs.
The only difference being that the massive state intervention, which is still continuing, was, primarily, aimed at the richest and wealthiest.

The beneficiaries of the bail-out certainly included bond holders, but they also included deposit holders.

The cost of capitalising the banks is less than 20% of our national debt. The vast majority of the rest of it was built up from 2008 - 2014 or thereabouts to ensure that those dependent on the state for income, (public sector workers, pensioners and those on the dole) would not have lost out. So to say that this "was, primarily, aimed at the richest and wealthiest." is incorrect.

This may be so, but the western world, through free markets, has showed incredible resiliance in bouncing back time and again. Look at socialist / communist economies on the other hand and they end up in a downward spiral that can take generations to solve (and usually end up with so much poverty & suffering)

This is end stage capitalism

Can you back this up please?

the only thing that kept the entire western economy from completely tanking was massive state intervention, or communism as it is known.
You're having a laugh!!!! I know Bertie was a self-described socialist, but communism has never fixed anything, unless you can show otherwise....

Without massive state intervention, allowing the capitalist jungle to sort out the financial crisis of 2008 would have seen billionaires wiped out, millionaires decimated.
Possibly, but those who would have suffered most would have been ordinary deposit holders and public sector workers, pensioners & those on the dole.

The next massive global financial crisis is just around the corner, maybe next year, maybe in 10 years time.
Sounds like you should take out a BigShort

Source for this vision into the future please.
Having read that utter nonsense you do seem to fit the profile of a Shinner Voter.
The cost of capitalising the banks is less than 20% of our national debt.

Is that all? We are talking about 2/3 banks here?
Imagine if 20% of GDP was used to provide public services instead, healthcare, third level education, housing the homeless.

The vast majority of the rest of it was built up from 2008 - 2014 or thereabouts to ensure that those dependent on the state for income, (public sector workers, pensioners and those on the dole) would not have lost out

Public sector workers are not 'dependent' on the State for income. What patronising, ill-informed, indoctrinated thinking.
Try running a state without a public sector to who is dependent on who.

This may be so, but the western world, through free markets, has showed incredible resiliance in bouncing back time and again.

This is the indoctrinated delusion. That 'free markets' have brought western economies 'bouncing back'
That 20% of GDP intervention in Ireland, landed on the shoulders of generations of Irish people to come, held to pay it back.

Look at socialist / communist economies on the other hand and they end up in a downward spiral that can take generations to solve (and usually end up with so much poverty & suffering)

The QE intervention, the 20% of national debt is the intervention of centralised command economies.
The 'free market' is a figment of the imagination. We live in a highly centralised, highly controlled monetary system.