Sinking a trampoline


Registered User
I've been pestered by the kids for a good while to get them a trampoline. I've been putting it off as i'm not entirely convinced about the safety of them. I've a friend who's a radiographer and says the worst trampoline related injuries she sees are as a result of users getting caught in the enclosures! She does however have one for her own kids .

Anyhow now that I think my lads are old enough to follow rules about safe play I might just give in and get one if I can get it sunken - therefore no need for enclosure. Has anyone any advice re digging out the pit. Do we need to do anything to prevent the sides of the pit from collapsing? I know the pit should be about 2 or so inches shallower that the trampoline to allow air out whenever a jumper is on it but any other advise would be welcome.

If I understand your proposal, you intend digging a circular pit approx. 3ft deep X 8ft wide.

The pit will need supporting walls to ensure it doesn't collapse inwards and you will need some form of drainage to avoid it turning into a garden pond.

For the walls you would probably manage with wooden stakes driven into the perimeter of the pit base supporting sheets of plywood (flexible and cheap but strong).
Hi Voyager

Just wondering if you ever got around to doing the trampoline and sinking it in the ground. What mathepac suggested seemed like an awful lot of work so wondering what you did.
