Single parent thinking of going back to UK


Registered User
Hi! Just wondering would people think I'm mad returning to the U.K. with two school age children. I have two Masters degress and 18 yrs experience of the area I work in but the jobs I'm being offered are at entry level for e16.50 ish per hour. Childcare is hugely expensive in and around Dublin so it doesn't really pay to work. I worked in the U.K. for many years until 1998. Having done my research, and talked to several people in my area of work, they said they would definitely have work for me at Stg35,000 entry level.

Is this worth taking children out of school here etc. We have very little family support here. The children's dad is here but sees them irregularly and has now reduced maintenance by e400 per month due to his own circumstances.

Has anyone made this move with school-age children and how did it go. We probably wouldn't move untill 2013 but I have started making preparations.