Signed off a bit too early.




I am/was currently on Jobseekers Benefit. My last signing on day was two weeks ago. At the end of January, I was offered a job in the USA and had a company willing to sponsor me. I had my interview with the American embassy in Ballsbridge the day before my last signing on day and was informed by my sponsor that everything went great and that I should have my visa by the end of the month(February).

So on my signing on day(two weeks ago) I asked the teller how I went about signing off as I was leaving for America at the start of March. He said tell me what date and I will put it in for you. So I told him from the 1st of March. Unfortunately, there is a delay with one member of the groups visas so I wont get mine for another week or two. Thus leaving me signed off and having to spend another two weeks hanging about.

So basically what I am asking is this. Have I just screwed myself? Did I sign off too early and will I have to join the back of the queue and start from scratch if I wish to receive further payments? Any advice? Would I be just as well off to forget about it?
