Should Joe Cahill have been executed in 1948?

Godwin's Law

Godwin's Law prov. [Usenet] "As a Usenet discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one."

There is a tradition in many groups that, once this occurs, that thread is over, and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever argument was in progress.

Godwin's Law thus practically guarantees the existence of an upper bound on thread length in those groups.

However there is also a widely- recognized codicil that any intentional triggering of Godwin's Law in order to invoke its thread-ending effects will be unsuccessful.


Things would never have got so bad in the North if it were not for the likes of big boy Joe Cahill. Abducting and murdering a mother of 10 from west Belfast and burying her on a beach in Louth , bombing restaurants and shopping centres...think of all the innocent lives his organisation took, and the "war" and pain and financial hardship it caused.


And just how bad were things for you in 1968?

NI could be very comfortable for a wee Orange Man in 1968 alright.
move on easy and red

Its time to look forward and not back.
Look at the countries etc than keep looking back and destroying their future.
A beter future for all should be the target (and if your enemy also has a better future then so be it).
I'm not saying that people should forget but that they should try to move on.

South Africa is a good example.
Israel/Palestine is not.
Move on????

Why direct that advice at me? I think you haven't been keeping up with the debate!

The problem is that Unionism refuses to 'move on'. I'm all for moving on...toward a society which is not based on domination and subjugation of nationalists or catholics.

The current impasse in the peace process is symptomatic of unionisms inability and unwillingness to relinquish any control of the levers of power.

They are aided and abetted by the McDowell factionistas in the republic (many of whom populate this board) who refuse to allow nationalism to 'forget the past' and move on.

Don't paint me or the republican movement as backward're barking up the wrong tree.

Sinn Fein's Gerry Adams Says IRA May Need to Disband, BBC Says
Double Speak

The problem with Grizzly, is you can't believe a word he says. Remember all that guff about very significant decommissioning acts? Even Grizzly now accepts that nobody bought that - he now makes a fresh promise to decommission/disband.

I actually believe that the SFIRA (or is it IFSRA?) politicos actually would love to ditch all that murky gangster stuff now that they are on the verge of significant political success.

Problem is that the godfathers (and we must accept Grizzly's word for it that he ain't one of them) have nothing to gain and everything to lose by the end to all that.

Grizzly has no doubt found some new weasle logic which will give the appearances of decommissioning/disbandment but still allow the godfathers to continue to rule the roost in their republican fiefdoms.
excellent easy - u rise to the ocassion yet again

McDowell factionistas in the republic

heres one for you to use in the future

"“The manual worker is merely a means to the private ends of professional revolutionaries. He is to fight for the satisfaction of their hatred of the conservative forces and their thirst for power...among the originators of their theoretical programs and leaders of revolutionary campaigns there is not one who worked for years in a is from the intellectual “mob”, with the failures from all academic professions, the spiritually unfit and morally inhibited, at its head, that the gangsters of Liberal and [Nationalist - B.] Bolshevist risings are recruited. Their “dictatorship of the proleriatat” - which is to say, their own dictatorship with the help of the proleriatat - is to be their revenge on those who are happy and successful, as a last means of appeasing the morbid vanity and vulgar greed for power which alike arise from unsettled self-respect, the final expression of depraved and misdirected instincts.”"

he he he

“The proletariat is revolutionary or it is nothing.” – Karl Marx

I hope they catch a few of your type and keep for posterity - won't have to much stuffing.

The kids of the future won't believe it otherwise.

easy - keep the red flag flying and power to the working class

I see red pat rabbit is moving to the centre (ah another one gone)
Bring back mcgiolla etc
Marx out of 10?

I always find the odd quote from Karl useful for getting the bourgeois going.

I can see steam coming out your ears!:lol

10 out of 10 for reliability.
Impression of Martin Luther King

I have a dream:

Of a day when all Irishmen shall speak Irish

Where capitalists are taxed to the hilt to ensure everyone has the same wealth

Where the volunteer heroes of the IRA are accorded their deserved rewards

Where heathen pastimes like soccer are eradicated from our midst

Where our comrades in Columbia, Palestine, Spain and elsewhere come to marvel and see how it can be done

I have seen this promised land - a land where I lead my people in the gaelic tradition of our forefathers.

Chucky our la
you forgot our (sticky) vision

North Korea
everyone equal (cept for the million who staved to death)
respect for all (cept for the kidnapped japanese children)
prosperity for all (cept all the people who are still starving here, etc)

but the workers are in control, hip, hip, horaay
North Korea?

Well its great to see old Joe being left alone to rest in peace.

Maybe Marx and North Korea sliding into the debate are indicative of your dawning realisation that its not just as simple as 'lets dig up Joe and burn him'.

Grand. Nothing like developing the issue.
I will go down in history

It is of course frustrating that Nk have been first to implement my ideals.

But I will be first in the West. Soon every country will have its Adamists, France, Germany, Italy, yeah even heathen England. Once my methods are seen for what they are worth history will turn, I have a dream!

So the majority of the population in the 26 counties are filled with "FF/FG/ PD revisionist propoganda" ?

I disagree, I think if anything we are filled with republican propoganda. At school everyone is taught about the heroes of 1916 etc ( even though in reality far more men chose to go and fight in WW1 ), and this is continued right through. I remember during the hunger strikes when an ira man came off the strike, there would be one mention of it, but nothing on subsequent news reports, whereas if he was giving his life for his country RTE were talking about the poor fellow non stop.

Lets hope SF do not ever get in to government, their propoganda and double standards are sickening.

SF....double standards are sickening.

As opposed to FF double standards, which are jeeeest fiiine by you, eh! Hahahahaaaa:lol

go live in north kora and tale llulu and the gerry gang with you.

like saddam, your day has passed

Take a chill pill...your typing hand can't seem to keep up with your fevered imagination.:rollin