Should I attend creditor meeting?


Registered User
I was made redundant last week as my employer went into liquidation. I have to apply to the Dept of enterprise, trade & employment for my statutory redundancy as employer hasn't the money to pay me. (even though I do know he paid the local suppliers just before they went into liquidation)

I was told they'll send the forms to the DETE for me once liquidator has been appointed. Sounds all very straightforward so far, however, there is a creditors meeting next week and I don't know should I attend or not? I have received the general and special proxy forms to complete. I've been reading up online about creditors meeting but it seems it's really only suppliers (unsecured creditors) the meeting is for?

Any advise as to whether it's in my interest to attend even thought my former employer said they're completing forms for redundancy, arrears of pay etc etc. I have absolutely no experience in this and I'm not sure what further action I should take or just wait for the liquidator to contact me. Thanks..