Should EA be involved when selling to DCC?


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Our house has been on the market for almost 4 months (not bad i know) with an EA who is not very good at communicating with us (never keeps us up to date). We have only had 1 viewing in the last 3 months.
DCC sometimes buy property in the area so we decided that we would check them out. They are sending out a surveyor and the lady in DCC said the process takes about 10-12 weeks altogether before offer is made.

Got a phonecall from an angry EA this morning to say that valuer from DCC was in his office requesting a brochure on the house. EA says he knows the valuer and that he wants us to ring DCC to say that he will be dealing with the sale.

Should we have discussed this with the EA firstly?
EA also says that DCC will not offer the asking price and will offer maybe 20000-30000 less. EA said that because he knows the valuer that he will more than likely get the asking price if not more. I know that EA is getting his 0.8% from the sale.

Has he a right to do this or should we not have gone behind his back?
AFAIK,Dcc have a ceiling on what they will offer for the house...And yes I think you dont need an EA to sell it back to Dcc.
I sold to DCC without using my EA. The EA can be as angry and ignorant as they want, you just highlight the fact you are forced to do their job for them!

I had to pay the advertising fees (a few hundred €) to the EA, but not their full fee!

I kept the house on the market - let the EA do their job until DCC made their offer. It's a drawn out process with the council and they may not purchase, don't put all your eggs in one basket!
Got a phonecall from an angry EA this morning


Has he a right to do this or should we not have gone behind his back?

I wouldnt do business with anyone who is angry. Tell him where to go and what to do when he gets there. If he wants your business he should not have got angry. You should be angry with him for not having proper respect for you.

Its' your property. You can do what you want with it. You did the work of making contact with the DCC while your EA sat on his This post will be deleted if not edited to remove bad language.

And lastly, if he wants to sing for his money you can get an offer price off the DCC and then ask him can he improve on that. Otherwise hes redundant!
If you have signed a "sole agency" agreement with your EA, then your hands are tied. Your EA will be entitled to his agency fee too. You should clarify the terms of agency that you received from your EA.

"Whistling for fees" only applies where there is no sole agency agreement in place.