should builder pay ESB/GAS used pre-signing



Hi, I signed for my apartment last week after some lengthy delays. The ESB/GAS has been in my name though since December because the builder registered all the apartments like that. Surely I am not expected to pay for ESB/GAS that was consumed before I actually owned the property. The builder should pay up to the day I signed?
Hi asheda

Read your meters straight away and ring both companies telling them you have taken possession of the property from the date you closed/got keys and give them the readings. They will then send out a revised bill. It is up to builder to settle the accounts prior to you closing. We did this with both our Gas and ESB when we moved last year and had no problems.

Good luck in your new home.
Hi SadBob,
Thanks, I read the meters and rang the GAS/ESB for final bill for the builder the same day i signed. I was concerned that with it being in my name the builder might try and avoid paying it. Good to hear it worked out for you. Hopefully it'll be fine with me also.
How did the builder manage to get the accounts in your name without you signing for them? Is it legal to do this?
Good question, I don't remember signing anything to give permission. I do remember getting a letter telling me that they had done me the great favour of getting everything connected up in my name.