Short term investment 1 to 5 years




Could anyone point me to a previous thread or give me information on how to invest a lump sum (approx. 20,000 Euro) in companies that have no exit or entry charge. As recommeded in Chapter 8 of Askaboutmoney book.

I intend to invest in property in the next 1 to 5 years.
how to invest a lump sum (approx. 20,000 Euro) in companies that have no exit or entry charge.
Just find a fund provider with no exit or entry charges and a competitive annual management fee and invest! is one example. There are others.
If your investment timescale could be as short as 1 year, you should probably leave your money on the best deposit rate you can find. See the Best Buys section of Askaboutmoney for best deposit rates.

What happens if you invest in an equity-based fund (albeit without exit penalties) and need the money in a year, but there's a general stock-market crash after one year? Some market drops can take a number of years to recover.

Liam D. Ferguson