Short just 60 Contributions or Credits for State Pension


Registered User
Looks like I may be short just 60 contributions or credits for full SPC is there any way of making this up or is there any leeway given in these circumstances when this is one's sole source of income.

I know I will get just a fiver less than the full rate but still, every little helps.
There's no leeway, I'm afraid, you either have the contributions or you don't.

Make sure you have a record of all contributions - are there any you might not have counted?
There's no leeway, I'm afraid, you either have the contributions or you don't.

Make sure you have a record of all contributions - are there any you might not have counted?

Not a chance unfortunately, I have my prsi record from the DSP

Could I buy contributions or would it be even worth it in my case, I doubt it somehow, ah no worries it could be a lot worse.
When I got my list of credits from the Dept, two years ago, I noticed that there were a couple of anomalies - one in the the year that Haughey did something (added a payment or changed the rules) and another when there was some other change in regulations.
In short, I could have driven a horse and cart through the numbers if I needed to - but I was way over the numbers and so didn't have to.
Might be worth going to the Citizens Advice Bureau or a friendly official in the Soc Welfare office (our local man is the most obliging person you could meet) and have a chat.

I must go through mine with a fine tooth comb, but at a glance it all looks in order.

I'm working since I was 14 but there is a two year gap where I didn't bother signing for credits, and this is knocking me out now.

Also I was on Prescribed Relative Allowance for a while but don't think I got any credits while on that.

Anyone know if coming off Unemployment Assistance to Prescribed Relative allowance would entitlement to credits continue.
Prescribed Relatives Allowance preceded Carer's Allowance, and credits are given to persons on Carer's Allowance, so it might be worth asking (I had a look at the welfare website, but there isn't a lot of info on Prescribed Relatives Allowance because it's an old scheme).

If you think you're missing credits for the time spent on the allowance, contact the Records section where you got your PRSI record: they may be able to start the search for documentation on your claim, or may refer you to another section.

thanks gipimann, I'll follow up on this, i know PRA is a very old scheme but hopefully I might be allowed credits retrospectively for time spent on that.
Just wondering if while you were on Benefit or Assistance that you did any FAS or other training courses where you might not have received the full credits for attendance on the course? I did a course and as a result of signing back on I was turned down for Benefit. When I checked my records and S.W.s it transpired that despite the documentation being completed by the course providers the credits were not added correctly to my record. Got it sorted very quickly with staff in Sligo.