Sharewatch Sterling Cheques and banks handling them



Hi all,
Just a follow up to the last post. I had a relatively small amount of shares that I cashed in with sharewatch a few weeks ago. The shares were with an English multi-national company I previously worked for. This transaction was one that I conduct every 6 months or so. Firstly, I waited patiently for the cheque with no success. I then rang and asked where it was and they issued it the same day. So they now appear to hang onto the cheques until individuals ring to enquire about them.
I thought that was the end of my problems. I received a Sterling cheque from them(for less that 5 figures) and brought it to my local BoI as normal last friday. They stated they would have to send the cheque to my home branch as it was too large for them to put into my account???

Yesterday, I received a call from my branch stating that they cannot put the cheque in my account but have to send it back to Bank of Scotland for them to clear it and the transaction will take 4 weeks.

This completely f.....s me up as it means I go overdrawn for the first time ever and must delay paying my credit card bill etc for another month as I cannot get my hands on any money quickly.

Does this sound right??? Normally I am able to conduct this transaction in 24 hours. Anybody got any advice. I am fairly losing it at the minute with frustration particularly as I am looking to put money INTO the bank, not take it out!!!
Instead of holding onto a credit card bill would it be better to take out a small temporary load.I know last year a friend of mine got a 1k loan no questions asked from BOI which was to cancel the credit card till the wages came through a week or so later.Its better that the rates charged by the credit card companies.

That can't be right for a cheque less than 10k to take that long!?