Shared Ownership Mortgage for Afforable Housing Apartment




I've just been offered an apartment (2 bedroom, large) in Seven Oaks Inchicore under the affordable housing scheme. The market value is 340K and I'm getting it for 241k. I was in with Dublin City Council yesterday regarding next stage (ie. getting the mortgage to buy it). They said that I have the option of using the shared ownership scheme to do this. They said I could also get a mortgage on my own. I may have difficulty in coming up with a deposit at this time under a normal mortgage as my SSIA doesn't mature until December 31st (19K worth). I earn 37K per annum and have a permanent civil service job with pension. I'm at a loss what to do in this situation whether to go to a broker/mortgage provider or take the shared ownership with the council. Obviously the lack of deposit required by the council is a big incentive. Any obs or suggestions about my situation would be most welcome

Thanks very much Jaybird for your advice. Really appreciate that inside info. I probably will go the shared ownership route as you say. In fact I don't think I have a choice due to lack of a deposit. But it doesn't sound like a Hobson's Choice situation which is really good to know. Jaybird would you recommend that I take as much a stake as I can get from the Shared ownership mortgage (ie. 75% limit?). Or is the 50/50 option just as good? You're right about the good deal I'm getting. I hope I'll get approval from DCC soon.

Thanks again....