Severe dental cost while working p/t



Hi, ok, I need to get root canal and a crown which I'm told in total will cost 700. I'm on less than 100 a week, working part time. I have a medical card (but my dentist stopped taking them).

I lost my job seekers allowance of 106.50. Will my health board dentist do this for free on my medical card. I'm 33. My own dentist said the tooth might flare up and swell up within 2 weeks and I'm going against her desire to do the work, purely because of the cost.

Do I rob a bank or just shoot myself if the pain gets unreal? Seriously, what are my options?


p.s the tooth is to one side of the mouth, around my cheek. (I heard the HSE only covers front). It had a deep filling which she drilled out, she then hit blood it was that deep. She put in a temp white filling until I make up my mind, with the warning it might flare up within 2 weeks.
[broken link removed] is the link to the Citizens Information page on Dental Services.
ok thanks.
But makes no mention of whether a medical card would work in the North. (i.e If I had to go there if the queue was too long here)
