Setting up company wide 'quality monitoring system'


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I have been asked by my boss to put together a report on how a 'quality monitoring system' could be established company wide.
By 'quality monitoring system', I mean they want to quantify the performance of their franchisees in their interaction with customers by means of phone/email/face-to-face contact.

Although I have my own ideas on this, I have no previous experience with this and just wondered what people would consider important.
First step is to identify what are the metrics that can be measured & reported upon - Note that measuring customer satisfaction directly can be very costly.
Determining the metrics makes sense - I can work that all out. However, they expect one person to actually go about carrying out the monitoring work. I can see this working for phone / email but not for face to face interaction. There are only 5 franchisees (at the moment).
Would one part of the process not involve " mystery shoppers" of some type ? I suppose it may depend on the type of franchise business too.
Try reading everything you can on Six sigma (this is all about consistencey & reliability) and Quanitfying TQM (Making every aspect of the business focused upon quality. The internet is filled with the stuff.

If i were you i'd be inclined to go to all of your biggest customers and ask them for 15 minutes of their time. Ask them to rate your quality and preformance, then ask them what you could do to improve. Use their expectations as the bench mark and not your (or your companies) expectations. Then as always strive to over deliever on their expectations. This customer involvement not only increases quality but also increases customer loyality. If you go to them with the attitude that noone knows thier business needs better than they do you'll be amazed how quick the doors open and how earger they are to help.

Then measure year on year (because business in cyclical) preformance less inflation and natural growth rates to find the effectiveness.

To encourage staff participation come up with some sort of carrot & stick approach.
You really need to get somebody independent to do the measurement - you won't get unbiased opinions from direct contacts with customers.
From EIQA mentioned above: