Setting up Co. - Co. making pension contributions?

Betsy Og

Registered User
Am in full time employment but thinking of setting up a company through which to conduct a bit of a hobby business (which I currently "run" occasionally and on non-profit basis).

Main motivation would be VAT reclaim on costly equipment, would be electing to register for VAT (as under thresholds) but would be making taxable supplies, however meagre.

Re Pensions, this would make me a co. director, what are the guidelines re how much a company can pay into a directors pension?? - is there a "funding test" that needs to be conducted etc??, and by whom??

Co. probably marginally profitable and not very cash rich so, for the moment, its a bit academic but interesting to know nonetheless. Would be interested in setting up SSAP for possible future property investment - again need to find out a lot more about it first - any good sources of info re this (I got Revenue's revised pension guide but havent had chance to read it yet).

p.s. I know the Co.'s office set up costs, but given my background I think I could handle the accounts prep and annual filings, and obviously well under audit exemption limit.
There's currently no limit on how much the company can put into your pension although I read in the Sunday Times last week that may be changing
There's currently no limit on how much the company can put into your pension although I read in the Sunday Times last week that may be changing

There certainly is a limit! It has to do with maximum funding, in that tax relief will only be granted on pension contributions which are anticipated/calculated not to exceed teh Revenue's maximum permitted pension at retirement (2/3 of earnings). Your age, salary and value of other retirement benefits are taken into account. There is a salary requirement from company to employee before teh company can pay any pension contributions.

On the point of setting up a company, be careful, and research whether or not you need one. Look at other threads/queries on the point of incorporation or not.
Yes but if salary large enough then the contributions can be very large, €100k to €200k a year would not be unusual.

There is an overall max fund limit of €5m (index linked).