Servicing a gas boiler...any value out there?

I thought the same. the PCB costs x amount, thats it. Whats the chances of having one with you? Any of ye know the actual Irish price of PCB. I'll check it out tomorrow if not.
Davy, about 200-220 I think off the top of my head
(I do carry a lot of spare pcbs in my van!!, admitedly not that one though!)

Its funny, BG's special offer would be about my 'normal' price for a FULL service, if you required a part when I was there, and I had the part my cost of visit would not go up, youd just have to pay for the part.

This forum is called "Recommend Tradesmen, Suppliers, etc.". So I asked the question..initially in relation to the servicing, and subsequent need to repair my boiler. 2 posters responded with the same guy. He was unable to come to my address, but he recommended someone who would. That's what we all want is it not? A tradesman who is recommended to us. This tradesman who was recommended twice on this website told me that he charges a flat rate of €50 for a service. You say you couldn't do it for that price...well he obviously can...and he will flourish in this recession where people are more desperate than ever for value. You also make an assumption that the tradespeople who are doing these jobs cheaper are somehow not as competent. I completely disagree. They have simply acknowledged that, to survive, they cannot charge the exorbitant prices of previous years.
In my case, I was unfortunately recommended somebody is is obviously just not up to the issue that I am having. I did not take him on because he is cheap. The man who recommended him said he did not know what he charges. Value is important, but good workmanship is even more important. I have got neither with my guy.
My issue is more to do with AT THAT COST, IS HE QUALIFIED and I would have to doubt it, if you consider the costs WE have to pay to BE QUALIFIED and hold our relevant certs.

Any I seriously doubt that anyone who is could afford to do it for €50, I can't 'hand on heart' see how he could remain in business if he pays his vat,tax,and issues a cert. for €50, you simply would not cover your overheads, and would go out of business.

As with most people, you only see the money you hand over, and think, 80-100 euro for an hours work, he must be minted! If your ever over my way drop in I'll show you my books and you will see the stark reality of running a LEGITIMATE business in this country. And for the hours put in the pay is much less than you would imagine!

As to both people who are happy with him, could you confirm that you were issued with a genuine RGII DECLARATION OF CONFORMANCE on completion of the service? (as it is a LEGAL requirement that he does issue one)
This forum is called "Recommend Tradesmen, Suppliers, etc.".
i recommend you don't use him again(cheap shot i know)

You also make an assumption that the tradespeople who are doing these jobs cheaper are somehow not as competent.
Nope, i am a trouble shooter, i make a living now mainly by repairing things other people can't and i cover the whole of Ireland, so i have a very good understanding of the type of engineer in this country and their competency level, that's not arrogance just experience, now you feel that the charges for a tradesman can be exorbitant, yes your right but don't mix them up with the type of engineer who does his job properly and takes customer care seriously, cowboys make it difficult for decent engineers, i know the type of engineers who will absorb the price of a part if it proves not to be the fault, it will go back on the van and the cost will be used as a incentive to get it right next time, i have no problem with anybody under cutting me, good luck to them, but i know the sort who do well on price and i have my own opinion on them, i have to deal with a lot of installation were price was more important than quality and the buck stop with me to try to get things rectified, so i am all for not getting ripped off and I'm sorry you are having a bad time of it, but don't think were all out to get you, Gary
Gary, remember though.....just cos you are paranoid, doesnt mean they are not out to get you!!
BTW gary, GID is heading for CCN1 I believe! (7 hour finals!! woohoo can't wait) maybe a little longer for parity though (the jury is out)

As a dear friend of mine points out, everyday above ground is a good one!

Gebbel, I second Gary here, we are not out to get you, but we don't rob people (at least I don't!)
Gary, remember though.....just cos you are paranoid, doesnt mean they are not out to get you!!
BTW gary, GID is heading for CCN1 I believe! (7 hour finals!! woohoo can't wait) maybe a little longer for parity though (the jury is out)

Thats the qualification I have, all in all, along with appliances, it was 2 and a half days of testing.

About the €50 service, thats very suspect.

€44 plus VAT, this includes a RGII cert @ approx €5. With the new regs your looking at atleast an hour on site plus travel. Very tight if impossible margin.
My issue is more to do with AT THAT COST, IS HE QUALIFIED and I would have to doubt it, if you consider the costs WE have to pay to BE QUALIFIED and hold our relevant certs.

But that is QUALIFIED?, is he 'qualified' and 'capable' of fixing a boiler's PCB at component level? Or is his idea of a Service to take the cover off and hoover it out and call it job done! My father has had two of these fellows.
If the boiler has a fault, can he diagnose the problem correctly, first time or will he replace parts (at the customers expense) one at a time until half the boiler is replaced?
Does the average householder know he should pressure test for leaks and use a gas flue analyser to check it's emissions/combustion etc etc? Does the 'engineer' even have a gas flue analyser?
I know a fellow who teaches boiler servicing for FAS, these (or some of them anyway) are coming out the end 'qualified', but he would be the first to tell you that very few out them have any interest in the subject or make would make 'good engineers'.
I went to the north a couple months ago to resit all of mine (I'm still Corgi registered) as my five years were up, one whole week, included a partP update, G3 and CCN1+ appliances, cost a small fortune it's such a money spinner it has to come in here.
Had him back yesterday for the 3rd time. This guy really takes the biscuit..he said that the pcb he put in is faulty. He took it out and put back in the original one because it is "less faulty". He will come back next Wednesday with a "new one". I had some choice words with him and have threatened action if this shambolic service continues. I also said that he will not be getting one more cent off me..regardless of what he must do from now on to get this sorted.
This is the worst tradesperson I have ever come across. If word of mouth dictates how much business guys like him get, then it will very soon be the dole queue for him.
This is the worst tradesperson I have ever come across. If word of mouth dictates how much business guys like him get, then it will very soon be the dole queue for him.

Unfortunately, it's because of "tradesmen" like that the Gas Industry is in disarray, they will undercut decent and established gas installers/fitters on price get the work and then disappear if there are any problems, you are lucky he has put up his hands to his messing, but he charged you for a part he knew wasn't fit for it's purpose, that's criminal, he'll walk away hopefully with the boiler repaired and you'll be another customer thinking all gas fitters are chancers looking to steal the life savings. Your experience is not unusual to me as i get complaints all the time(not about me of course), perhaps now you can understand why i would have responded negatively to your earlier posts, i have no problem with being undercut on price, as i feel there's enough work out there for all good gas engineers, i have a big problem with fruit loops trying to do my job and falling short of the mark and at times leaving dangerous or substandard work, it would be me as the last engineer that would get the fine/prison sentence if i were to miss a fault another installer had left, i hope at this stage you have had a look at his RGII ID to confirm he's competent and has the proper insurance to work on your boiler, if he has good, at least if he breaks anything he's insured and he's just got criminal working practices , if he is not a RGII gas fitter then he has no insurance or proof of his competency, so you should report him before he does do serious damage to someone else's house, Gary
if he is not a RGII gas fitter then he has no insurance or proof of his competency, so you should report him before he does do serious damage to someone else's house, Gary

How can I find out?
Have a look at: [broken link removed], i carry a ID badge issued by RGII, it might seem over kill to report him, but if your not registered you cannot prove your safe to be working on gas, Gary
Have a look at: [broken link removed], i carry a ID badge issued by RGII, it might seem over kill to report him, but if your not registered you cannot prove your safe to be working on gas, Gary

Thanks for that. Checked him out and.....he is registered! This really is a bizarre situation.
I think the main thing is to get the boiler sorted and hopefully he's embarrassed enough to want to put this to bed as quickly as possible, as he is a RGII boiler repair engineer there is no reason for him not to fix your boiler, trying to fit the dodgy board was stupid but at least he admitted what he had done(if that's a good thing), as a RGII engineer he can be reported, so he should be going out of his way to keep you happy and fingers crossed this will stop him from being naughty in the future.

as a RGII engineer he can be reported, so he should be going out of his way to keep you happy and fingers crossed this will stop him from being naughty in the future.

OK, the situation has turned farcical. After 3 return visits (so 4 times in total) to my apartment, my boiler is in exactly the same situation as before I ever hired this fool. I have called him twice this week, but he hasn't returned my calls. He has my number and is obviously just refusing to answer it. I have paid him €220 and shown him patience that I never knew I possessed. Well now that patience has run out.
I want to get heavy handed (legally of course) with this guy but would appreciate some options. What I really want is the money back (as he has failed in his professional duty and I don't want him anywhere near the boiler again). Should I report him? Call to his house maybe? What should I do here folks, I am working nights this week and this whole situation is driving me nuts.
Very annoying, did the problem not disappear at all? (even for a short time)

Only real way to proceed would be solicitor on 'duty of care' but then he would still be given reasonable opportunity to put it right (what is considered reasonable!) money back would sound fair!

Question, originally you said, the boiler runs for a 'little while' do the rads heat up?