Separating and getting separate mortgages


Registered User

My husband and I are separating and intend selling our current home and buying two apartments close to each other so we can co-parent our teenage child. The split is amicable. We have about 90k left on our tracker mortgage and would each need to top up by about another €100k.

I would appreciate some advice on the following –

  1. AIB tell us that we can carry out tracker with us for the balance of the mortgage at the tracker rate +1, which means each of us can potentially carry €45k at that rate. Is it advisable to shop around for the best rate for the balance of €55k I/we need or is it necessary to stay with AIB?
  2. The estate agents who valued the house are quoting 1.25% plus VAT commission and €400 + VAT for advertisement etc. Is this reasonable?
  3. Has anyone in a similar situation any advice about agreeing finances, co-parenting etc., going forward?