Separate or joint health policies?


Registered User
We have always had a joint policy with either VHI or Quinn (Laya). There is a joint excess on this policy of circa €440 for outpatients. I have noticed that one of us has more GP/Consultant visits per annum than the other. The total per annum out patient visits of us both is always just below the €440 so in the end neither of us can claim. But if we had separate policies then both of us would have separate excess policies of circa €220 and one of us might be able to claim.
Would separate policies be recommended. Are there any benefits/negatives to this idea?
You should ring the HIA and ask them as they are very helpful and might be able to guide you.
Also, even better still, next time you renew, choose a policy with a 1 euro outpatient excess - so that you can both maximise your refund for GP visits etc. An excess of 440 is very high, it usually means little refund, if any at all.

Thanks SnowyB. I was only just looking at the Laya policy that does exactly this.