selling on prior to completion


Registered User
I do not know if this has been raised/discussed before. If it has, apologies for taking up space and could someone point me to the thread.

I was thinking of buying in phase 1 of a new delevopment, then selling on either before full completion of the house, or before making the final payment to builder.

question is, can builder/developer prevent this and how do I stand with stamp duty payment. Must i pay it, or the next buyer or both?
It is difficult for the builder to prevent this, and it is certainly common enough; however, many builders' solicitors (including myself) will include a condition in the contract expressly forbidding this. Even with this condition in the contract, I have some doubts about the practicalities of enforcing it.
Hi Ravima,

This has a number of potential problems, not least being the clause in the purchase contract expressly forbidding it. There is a massive risk factor involved, considering you are tying yourself into the purchase of a property and if you are unable to find an alternative purchaser, you are then responsible for the property you signed contracts on.

The scheme that you have depends on a rising property market and whilst at the moment the property market certainly seems to be rising, that cannot be guaranteed for the future. Therefore, you cannot be guaranteed a return on your investment.

As MOB has mentioned, many builders solicitors expressly forbid this action. I'm sure it increases the costs for them when they have to deal with 2 sets of contracts on the one property etc. What would your increased legal charges be?

Your finances might be better served being put to another use IMHO
there would be no problem if it could not be done and I can afford the property. the reason for asking was that if there was a few quid to be made, before completion, it migth be handy to pay for the summer hols etc.