Selling current house/buying new house


Registered User

Myself and my boyfriend bought a new house 2 years ago. We now want to sell this house and buy a 2nd hand house.
We expect our current house to sell quite quickly, having seen identical houses in our estate get sale agreed in ~2 weeks.
We're not sure of what to do next. Do we start looking for our next house without our own house on the market? Would any bid we make be taken seriously if our own house is not on the market?
If we find a house we're interested in, at what stage do we need to pay the deposit?
If we get sale agreed on our own house, how quickly would we be expected to finalise the sale?

Sorry for all the questions!

Thanks, Triona
You need to find the house you are interested in first.
Price / new / sceondhand.
How much will you need?
What will you get on other one?
You want to engineer the close of both at about the same time to avoid bridging.
Your ability to do this will be restricted because of the pace of the other buyer.
If they are FTBs (you are not), they will even have more questions than you had.
Any of which like life assurance and all that will potentially be large or small cows on the track.
How quick? Quick as you want but you may have this funding gap unless you orchestrate it properly