Self-Invested Personal Pension (UK)



I've read an article on SIPP's (pension products) available in the UK. I am particularly interested as you can open a SIPP for your children and tax relief is given to the child's pension scheme. The funds can then be invested as desired. Seem's great, anyone know if something similar is available in Ireland?
Never heard of anything like that here. There are SSAPs (Small Self Administered Pensions) and other forms of self directed pensions which simply allow the pension holder more direct control over what assets the pension invests in. But nothing about availing of other people's (e.g. children's) tax relief as far as I know.
I believe the article that MarkusO is refering to is on the Motley Fool site:

Make your child a multi-millionaire by Cliff D'Arcy
[broken link removed]

I read that with interest myself. It would seem it is possible to take out a pension for a child using SIPPs. I presumed that you could only have a pension when employed. Is that the case wrt Irish pensions?