Seabury, Malahide



Hi there

We are married with a 1 year old and looking at Seabury.

There has being a number of posts over the years but I just wanted an updated view on Seabury.

We both work in the city, I could drive to portmarnock and get the train, I believe there is 200 spaces, does it get full before 8.30?
What time does Malahide fill up by?

Is there a crèche in Seabury or nearby, what is it like?

What is it like driving in to the city at 7.40?

I take it from other posts a house in Seabury in a cul de sac with a garage is the best option?

Any anti social problems in Seabury?

A DART from Portmatrnock takes approx. 30 minutes to get to city centre. Since most people start at 9:00, it is safe to assume the car park is at peak demand before 8:30. The car park is Malahide is small so I assume it fills before 8:00.

Driving to the city centre along, I assume, the Malahide Road, would be slow. After Clare Hall, it is single carriageway with a bus lane.

A cul-de-sac is generally preferable to other roads, specifically for young children.
There is a creche in Waterside which is around the corner.

The 142 bus goes through Seabury and through the Port Tunnel so takes about 30/40 mins from Seabury to town (depending on where in town you are going).

The only 'anti social' behaviour, if you could call it that, is teenagers hanging around the shops opposite the church.