Save €€€'s on Tumble Drying - using a clothes airer!

Re: Save €€€'s on Tumble Drying!

I'd love one of those old-fashioned airers that can be pulled up to ceiling height (using a pulley system) once you've put the clothes on it. Clothes are then out of the way, and if heat rises, they will dry quite fast.

Anyone know where I could get one?
Re: Save €€€'s on Tumble Drying!

Oh to have a line......
Apartment living, not allowed hang anything outside.

Id dont dry indoors by choice, only by necessity. I doubt Id use outdoors anyway though cos Im gone early and home late most of the time.

Some great suggestions here - thanks guys, DrMoriarty, that looks like a smashing device, Ill be looking to get one of those.
Search automatic indoor washing line or clothes airer pulley and google have some results!

ebay have some too, if your a member.
Jetblue, you're being presumptious - no partner at home all day, I wish! - we both work full time and yes, that does mean that sometimes I hang clothes out very early morning or very late at night - such is life! Hizzy, I haven't got a problem with the spiders, but earwigs AAGH! However, I find that a good shake as I take the clothes off the line takes care of all unwanted hangers-on. Apartment dwellers obviously have no choice but to dry indoors but I can't understand why apartment blocks here haven't got communal washing facilities which are common both in the States and in some other European countries. A friend who lives in Brussels has a communal wash room which leads out on to a sheltered outdoor drying space, don't know why that shouldn't be the case here where many apartment blocks do have access to outside space. I had to replace my tumble dryer not so long ago and bought one with reverse tumble and two heat settings which was an improvement on my previous one, which definitely shrank my clothes. If money was no object I'd have the "drying cabinet" which I saw in Clerys window about two years ago, it was the same size as a fridge freezer and had two sets of hanging bars which you hung your clothes on, the hot air circulated around them and meant no ironing! I HATE ironing and would do anything to cut it out entirely!
Re: Save €€€'s on Tumble Drying!

I saw one in a friend's house only a few weeks ago. An oldish house. In his kitchen over the range. About a 9 foot ceiling, I reckon so the clothes would be well out of his way.

Will check with him and get back to you.
Dr Moriarty, yes, couldn't believe it when I read the Irish Times, I promise I hadn't seen it before I posted, I always read it in the evening when husband brings it home with him. I'm very glad to see that I'm not the only one with a bee in my bonnet about this!
We just started airing in front of the new sunroom it get alot of light and the oil stove is in there, great heating for a large room. Dry in a day.
When the weather is fine they dry outside.
But problem if weather turn for worse suddenly and ye away at home grr or come home late and the night damp make it wet again grr.
And the bird poo or spider eekk!!
Also saw this on donedeal:
Search: All weather washing Line