Sarsfield Park Lucan

Thanks Deedee80 and MandaC. Contracts have now been exchanged on the house in Sarsfield Park, and I really am delighted with my purchase. So glad I didn't listen to my friends about Cherbury, or indeed, listen to the snobbishness in relation to ex-council houses. Hope they will deign to come to dinner in Sarsfiedl Park when I get the keys!! Thanks again for all the advice.
Elaine I would definitely class Sarsfied over Cherbury - if it was me buying I would buy in Sarsfield park.
Congratulations on your purchase, nice one!
Totally agree that Sarser is miles ahead of Cherbury. The noise from the M4 in Cherbury is terrible, you have to walk for 15 mins to the shops, and the quality of the housing is far inferior to Sarsfield park.

The main advantage that Sarsfield will have though is its proximity to the Luas terminus once it eventually opens. That alone is worth 10s of thousands.
Hi! everyone, got the keys of house in Sarsfield a few weeks ago, love the location etc. however, now have problems with friends who won't come to visit me there, saying they wouldn't want to admit to anyone they had a friend who bought in Sarsfield, that it is very rough. Even had a medic friend who said he wouldn't be coming to collect me there or telling his friends that I bought an ex council house, that I should have bought in better area. Also sister giving me stick about house being ex council. Anyone else encoutered this problem. Could have stretched to buy somewhere like Beech Park, but by buying in Sarsfield I have been able to pay off mortgage on rental property, and still have house for my kids in Dublin, near their Dad if anything happens to me. Have two rooms rented out and going to use the others for myself to go up and down to Dublin. Would love some opinions on this one, as its marring, somewhat, my enjoyment of the new property. Thanks in advance.
Sorry to hear that Elaine, but it is your "friends" (and I use the term loosely) who have the problem!

If someone treated me like that or had that attitude towards my home, I would question whether I wanted to be friends with them. If I were you I would put them in their box, in no uncertain terms. If someone said to me that they were ashamed to collect me from my home, or that I should have bought in a nicer area, I would , quite frankly, tell them not to bother.

Buy your home for you, not for anyone else. Why should you "stretch yourself" so that they have the convenience of turning up at a "nicer"(in their mind) address.

I wonder where they live, if they think Sarsfield Park is rough in this day and age?
Hi! Mandac, thanks for your comment. Its funny, but the person who is most vocal about where I bought doesnt have a house herself, though her family live locally. I really like the house myself, the location and the neighbours - lot of elderly people, no noise, grafitti, and very few renters. Its amazing though how snobby some people are. Feel you're right and have to take another look at these friendships.
Life is too short to entertain begrudgers. Tell them to sod off. Once you are happy, like the area and can pay your mortgage, that is really all that matters.
Your friends must be winding you up, I've never heard of anything so childish, also just to clear this in my head are you living in or renting this property out
Good one, alosysoius, didn't realise that Landsdowne Park in D4 was also council.

MarieM. No, I'm only renting out two (of four bedrooms). Myself and my family are up in Dublin/Lucan area tw/three times a week, so I want them to be able to stay there. I would like to move back there if the children ever go to college - miss Dublin a bit - but that is a long way off.

Yobr, I'm not being snobby about wanting to buy in an area with few renters. If there are a lot of renters, often the landlords don't bother maintaining the outside of thehosues, including gardens that well - and living in an area that is reasonably aesthetically pleasing is important to me - though we are unlikely to be permanently living there for a number of years. Also, if I ever did want to move back to Dublin with the children I think it is much better to live in an estate where a large proportion of the residents are not transient.

Elainem, yes you are. You are annnoyed about your friends who wont come to an ex council house while you won't live in an area with a lot of renters. IMHO you are being just as snobby as those you complain about.
D'ont really agree about being a snob not wanting to live in an area saturated with rentals.

When I lived in Lucan, I bought from new, the Estate started off ok, but gradually became full of renters, so much so that there ended up only being two or three of us on the road as owner occupiers.

The majority of the houses were rented through the Eastern Health Board as opposed to private rentals. The place became really run down and tired looking and even though the Estate was only about seven years old, it looked ancient. Cars lots sprang up in front gardens, washing was hung out the front windows, gardens and verges like jungles and other bizarre kind of things. Some of the renters were grand and did look after the place but the vast majority did not.

Have to say driving in and out every day started to wear me down. I lost interest in my own house and there was absolutely no sense of community. Myself and another person on the road had planted daffodils around the trees on the road, but people just parked their cars on them. I had lovely neighbours one side and when they emigrated to Australia, that was it for me, time to go. When I moved, the only person interested in buying my house was another person who wanted to rent it out as the place had a bad name for rentals.

There are a couple of Estates in Lucan which are very like this and I think in fairness, that was what Elaine was trying to avoid.
MandaC, I would probably not want to live the area that you describe for the very reasons you point out. However, and this is where I differ from you, if anybody asks, then yes, I would admit that is because of a certain snobbishness on my part.

Indeed, as you point out "the majority of the houses were rented through the EHB" so in reality you were looking down on these people and their lifestyle choices, however at variance these lifstyle choices were with your own. This is the essence of snobbish behaviour.

I am just pointing out the irony of elainem's post that she is complaining about her friends snobbish behaviour while indulging in her own. I have no problem with snobbish behaviour as long as people are open about it and give their reasons.
I agree with Manda c, where my parents live in Tallaght is the same, for nearly 40 years the place had a thriving communtiy spirit, great residents association, looked good, however now the population is made up mostly of residents who rent and have no reason to care or have pride in their surroundings, its depressing, Ive seen it with my parents and their neighbours its wears them down. To be honest a lot of them have moved on. I don't think its being a snob, its just whats the point, landlords get richer and your neighbourhood looks like its should be condemed.
Elaine I would think about getting new friends. The ones you have sound pathetic! You made the right choice in buying in the Sarsfield area.
Thanks, Ireland.I, I agree about the friends, and also Sarsfield Park. I love the house, neighbours are great, and there is a real sense of community spirit with everyone knowing everyone else - really do feel I made the right decision in the end.
That is great to hear, Elaine. Lucan Village is a really attractive area and besides you are so close to all amenities.
Your "friends" sound jealous.

Sarsfields Park is a fine estate in a great location being so close to the village.
i have lived in Lucan for 7 years now. we had a 3 bed in one estate and moved up to a 4 bed when our second child was born.
I really like Lucan and more importantly the real boss (the missus) likes it!
the estates we have owned houses in have been trouble free and well kept with great neighbours. some of them rented some of them owned. one particular family rented and the dad never had a lawnmower out of his hands, they had the place immaculate.

i understand that some renters in some areas of Lucan have let the house go, wilderness front garden (like something from the serengetti) and 4,000 banger cars in the driveways. thankfully this is not my experience. the thing to remember is, Lucan is huge. there are tens of thousands of houses, from pure balance of probabilities you are going to get the odd eejit. but if you have a good strong residents association things can be worked out.

there are pros and cons for everywhere. some dont like ex-council houses (and they shouldnt be made feel bad for having there own personal reservations) i dont necessarily agree, i think the only people that need to like the area are those living in it.