Sample websites with Large Text Facility




Would anyone have any examples of websites with Large Text Facility, ie the user can click on a button and the text automatically gets larger, so users with sight problems will be able to see the text better.
Most, if not all,of the departmental sites should have this facility.

Here ya go

Click here scroll down to the bottom of the page and click change display preferences.
Re: Here ya go

Don't know if it's of any help but if you've got a mouse with a scroll-wheel and you use Internet Explorer, you can easily change the text size by holding down the CTRL key and scrolling the mouse wheel.

this is a built in feature of windows

if you dont have it already it can be installed via control panel \ add-remove progs \ windows components

As the Padré says, any politely coded website will allow the user to specify the (base) text size via the browser - either using the approach mentioned above or else throug menu options or browser configuration (e.g. in Internet Explorer: View -> Text Size -> ... etc.). Some browsers also have accessibility options built in (e.g. again in IE: Tools -> Internet Options... -> Accessibility etc.). Windows also includes an Accessibility Options ****** in the Control Panel (Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Accessibility Options) in case that's of any further help...