Sale rail but only "ONE" item on rail in sale.


Registered User
Was passing by a newish store (well known brand) in a Shopping Centre yesterday.

Spotted a Sale rail "1 for €30, 2 for €50" from outside the store, perfectly placed to entice you in.

Picked out two items after half an hour trying on etc and proceeded to checkout and asked for €100.

Turns out only one item (it had to have the €30 sticker on it) on the sale rail included in the deal (about 15 other items on the rail, which had €40, €60 or €70 sticker on it)!!! I was shocked/disgusted, no manager available.

Has anyone meet this before as Im very customer aware and this has been niggling me since.
I have indeed come across this type of thing on numerous occasions and it drives me nuts. This is bordering on deliberate deceit and as such should be highlighted
I couldnt find an email address for the shop so have wrote a letter which I will drop in and see what they say. I have to say Iv never seen this before, penneys automatically drop the price when something on a sale display when priced higher.
Completely off topic, but I was expecting this to be a thread about getting the boat and train to England!

It's nearly as bad as always getting the one "about to go rotten" apple in the bag of apples from SuperValu in their 3 for €2 selection.