salary overpayments and tax refunds



Hi All,
Work over paid me in error on three occasions over the last few months.
I paid back two of the over payments, (approx 3.3k) in full as soon as the error was identified. However, the last over payment (4k) I have to pay off in installments over the few years.

My salary has massively been reduced and therefore I am going to transfer my tax credits to my husband.
My question is this: will all these errors how will that effect my tax credits. On paper I guess it looks like I have earned an extra 4k and therefore less tax credits will be available to be transfered, will get less of a refund at the end of the year?

Might want to ask your company/employer how they are treating it- Maybe they might put in down as a loan to you instead of wages

Clarify what they are going to do, transfer of any credits will leave you with less money each week

update thread of current position to get more accurate answer